Ansam Alnadi

Jordan University of Science and Technology
Computer Science

Ansam, 25 years old, Jordan. Master’s degree in Computer Science with the support of a HOPES scholarship funded by the EU through the ‘EU Madad Fund’ at the Jordan University of Science and Technology

“I have three sisters and one brother. I am the eldest, the first and the only one that goes to university, the first master student in the entire clan. Dad is very proud of me, this is a point that motivates me a lot and makes me feel responsible and love success. After high school, my interest in computers and technology came from my lack of knowledge of it. While most homes contain computer devices, I could not own a computer until I completed the first year at the university. I liked the way how computers and technology are a part of all life aspects and contribute to improvement and problem-solving. So I moved directly towards this field of study. I live in one of Jordan’s remote areas, and have to cross about 50 kilometers to get to the university, using four means of transportation. This was time, money, effort and energy consuming. I could not afford a computer in my first year at university. To do my homework, assignments and projects I used to go to the university on my vacation day or borrow my neighbor’s laptop. I have published some articles, and I am an active volunteer member of the community. My favorite achievement is that I am a HOPES family member. The HOPES scholarship provided me with hope and still does. It taught me the love of volunteering, made me feel that I have importance and appreciation in society. This proved to us that our love for learning and the advancement of the homeland is valued despite our financial challenges to complete it. There are those who offer you charity, help without knowing you, and without any self-benefit. My message to other students facing the same difficulties is to not stop believing in yourself. I hope to find a suitable scholarship at one of the world’s most prestigious universities.”

By Ansam Alnadi